Weed, Anger, and Aretha Franklin

"Through surprising revelations,
Great Spirit has shown to me,
The life I need to manifest,
In order to be free."

I want to get to the point right away. 

I am not perfect. 
I am a human. 
I still move through all that you do. 

If you are looking for otherwise please feel free to unsubscribe because I am about to let you know just how human I am.

Around the New Moon and Solar Eclipse last month I posted to my Facebook page an article on how they are finding marijuana is possibly being laced with fentanyl. 

My intention was to spread the word to my community who smoke recreationally or have children who do. 

This is scary stuff. 

Not long after I got an angry email from a woman who felt that she needed to tell me it was complete bullsh%& and I am spreading lies. 
To stop posting these types of things and if I wanted to help to post only on fentanyl. 

I honestly assumed that this person was a dealer (I mean why else would someone be so upset? was my feel) and so I let them know it was my page and I will post whatever I please, it's an epidemic actually, and perhaps to check in with where the anger was coming from really. 

I got a few more messages that were not sent from an informed or rational place.  
So I decided to head over and block this person from my online community and realized that this woman was a "yoga" teacher. 

I want to be clear here ~ Now I was angry!

My belly got warm. 
I started vibrating. 
I could feel the heat rising through my chest. 
My hands shaking. 

I stopped. 
Took a deep breath. 
Then another. 
Closed my eyes. 

As I went inside myself, I asked "what is making you so mad right now?"

I always take my own advice, no matter how hard a pill to swallow. 

Instantly = "how dare she! yell at me?! and you call yourself a yoga teacher! ha! Get some respect!"

Whooooa! Hello judgement, I thought to myself. 

Any time the shadow feelings arise for me and I trace them through my body, track them to their roots, stalk the real issue, there is always something there. 

Some way I can continue to grow. 
Some way I can heal more deeply. 
Some opportunity to go further in to my practice. 

So I clearly still have some work to do. 

The more I poked around and began to unpack this feeling and experience it came down to respect. 

I wrote in my journal over the next couple of days to try and dig a little deeper in to the idea of respect and came to realize that it came down to this:

I will get the same quality of respect that I give to myself. 

Not to others. 
To myself!

Upon reflection I realized that there are still some area's in my life where I, unintentionally, let people walk all over me. 
Disrespect me. 
Take advantage. 

My anger and judgement, this woman, came to help me realize that and get to work on making this change and having more self-respect. 

And of course! It was a New Moon!

Not a day after this AHA I got a text message from one of thosepeople. 
The one's that I have let treat me like crap in the past. 

Usually because I was 'spiritualizing' it (more on this in the next musing) and thinking this must be a "sign", or teaching, or some bull like that, I would write back being hopeful. 
To forgive. 
To practice compassion.
To be the bigger person. 


This time it is was to practice self R.E.S.P.E.C.T. 

I called in Goddess Aretha.

Then said a little prayer for this person and pressed "delete".
Just like I did with the yoga teacher who sent me those messages just a few days before. 

Each moment spent in that state of respect is felt through all we do.

And if I wanted to spend less time judging, angry, or feeling disrespected I was going to have to use these experiences to show the Universe I am ready + willing to let it go and move on + beyond. 

So I did. 

For this upcoming Full Moon I offer you these journal questions + Moon medicine to support you in the journey of AHA moments and inching closer to greater healing and empowerment too. 

Journal Questions:

What is making me angry, pissed, ragey, irritated the most (in life, the world, others, myself) right now?

How do these shadow emotions try to move through my body? Where do I feel them the most?

Are there ways in which you are not respecting yourself? Letting others disrespect you?

How do you critize yourself lately? Can you track it back to lack of self respect somehow?

The Full Moon Medicine is:

~ Make a commitment to show your self some degree of greater respect or compassion somehow this cycle. State how.

~ Put on your favorite song (here's mine) and dance around, pounding your feet, waving your arms, and shake, shake, shake, to discharge your nervous system. 

~ lay down on your belly and take 20 deep breaths to soothe your nervous system

Full Moon Prayer:

May today, and every day, gift us with the teachers and healers we need for our soul to grow.

May our lives be empowered through deeper consciousness, clarity, and less reactivity. 

May we know Love, peace, and true power. 

May Grace moves through us, guiding us to our Truth. 

Peace + Deep Sleep, 


p.s. If this resonates I love to hear from you! Feel free to press {Reply} and send me a message. Or if you have a suggestion for future musings!

Grace Space New Moon Soiree
Yin + Meditation, sound massage, vegan snacks, faux cocktail
September 21st ~ 630pm

Sacred Movement 200 Hour Teacher Training for Women
Start September 2017 
1 Spot Left!


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