Check Yourself Before You Expose Yourself!

For some reason the title for this blog came to me from the Ice Cube song : You Better Check Yourself before you Wreck Yourself', and I think it's because I have watched Hangover II twice in the past 24 hours!
Ahhh, the power of the subconscience mind ;)

And don't judge, there was a heat wave! I couldn't do anything but rest and try as hard as possible not blink, because even that would form beads of sweat!

One of those afternoons though, while doozing in and out of restful, but most likely heat stroke induced sleep, I thought of starting a blog for my trip coming up to Guatemala, to try and stay in touch and let students, friends, and family know what we are up to.

Once I saw that I could, I also thought it would be a great idea to share some 'confessions', ie. experiences, ideas, observances, etc.
So one of things that I noticed, and I am reallllly not sure what the message is, what I supposed to 'learn' from it, or why it keeps happening to me is that I have seen alot of 'private' parts in my Yoga classes in the past year~ hence the name ;)

Now I don't know about you, but I am not really all that into the idea of nude Yoga. No judgement if you are at all, but the thought of everything hanging out, flapping about, jiggling around, really the entire thought of it does nothing for me, which is why I don't teach it. And one of the reasons I sometimes enjoy those Lulu's even more ~ suck and tuck!

But lately, I have seen more private parts on people than I have seen in my whole life!
Now, before anyone gets 'offended', judgy, anxious, paranoid, the reason I am mentioning and writing about this is because some of you need to know! And so that you know that if I can see it, so can everyone else :(
Some of you won't give a crap, some will... so this is for those of you who care :)

Tips from a teacher:
1) The Lululemon pants that are hanging up, not in the racks on the walls, I have been told, tend to be the 'runners' pants/capri's, ie. SEE THROUGH. They are a lighter material to, I guess, be more breathable or something, but no matter why, they are. SO, when trying on Lululemon pants, please, please do a forward bend, downdog, and some sort of leg lift. Check from all angles. If you are wearing panties/thongs, whatever, if you can see them when do the poses, you will see them even MORE in class ~ hot = sweat = wet = see through. I do this ALL the time, no matter what type/brand I buy. I swear the staff always laugh at me, but totally worth it, and I like to make people smile, so it works out for all of us ;)

2) When deciding on tops, same thing goes. Do poses, hang upside down, twists, whatever, just move and be sure the 'girls' are well taken care of, cause here's the other thing, stop thinking about how you look and make sure what you are wearing is functional, that way you feel comfortable in class and focus on what's really important ~ your breath.

3) Men you are NOT immune! Ok, so when wearing shorts, especially bathing suit shorts, be sure there is still a lining. Just like our 'girls', the 'boys' should be taken care of too. Oh, and underwear as your 'wear' are not the best idea because again hot = sweat = wet = see through!

4) Leggings and tights are not meant to be worn to hot Yoga classes, were not originally made for it, at least I don't think anyway, but feel free to correct me if I am wrong. So if you feel like sporting active wear that reflects a little more of your personality, I totally get it, but my advice #1 & #4.

5) Invest in some functional, comfortable, active wear undergarments. One of my fav's Miel Sisters ~ 

I realize I can't be the only teacher who has 'seen it all' ;)
And, again, this is just for those who want to know, some advice/tips, and hey, if you are cool barring it all, or wearing your undies to class like Lady Gaga over here go for it!

Not sure if it's the clothing companies, temperatures rising in studio's, lack of downdogging it in front of a mirror, or what but Yoga is all about becoming aware right....
so now you are in the 'know' :)

First published June 22, 2012


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