Your Birthright!

Namaste Yogini Tribe!

As we are marinating in the energy of the Full Moon today, I thought I would harness her power and muse on Wholeness. 

Like the full moon, this cycle of Spring is when we are to set forth on sprouting, blossoming, and potency. 

Sadly though, many of us still feel stuck. Trapped underground ~ of our being perhaps, circumstance, or patterns. 
We can not see the light that is pulling us upward and onward and instead the shadow keeps exerting her energy over us. 

I have found the more I deny the pull down, the more I fight it, or avoid it, the more I feel separated from my Self. 

So the shadow, although not as 'exciting', 'attractive', 'yogic' even, is a big part of who are.... or maybe even more so, who we are not allowing ourselves to be. 

So we resist it and live as partial human beings. 

Yet being Whole is our birth right!

Over the past year, and this past week, I have immersed myself in the study of the Rasa's, Yoga of Nine Emotions. 

They stem from the teachings of Tantra. 
So thousands and thousands of years ago sages discovered through their own practices that there were nine emotions, or energies in motion, that we constantly circulate through...
Especially as householders!

These were:
~vibhatsa: disgust or modern day self-pity/depression
~ bhayanaka: fear or modern day anxiety/worry
~ raudra: anger or modern day stress/irritation
~ karuna: traditionally taught as sadness or pity

The sages who felt, embodied, and experienced these rasa's and taught them where householders too. 
They had families, friends, communities, children, even jobs and realized through their sadhana a concept of "emotional fasting."

What it translates too really is that they felt you could move beyond those energies by cultivating their opposites and that by doing so we could reach greater states of happiness, freedom, and wholeness.... 
What so many of us seek!

Along with studying the moon cycles, I have also begun to embody the rasa's that co-inhabit the energy of the moon. 
Each week I practice and create the energy of the rasa and moon cycle through my sadhana. 

This past week I got to go even deeper with my teacher, Shiva Rea, in Rasa Vinyasa Training gaining even more reflections, tools, and teachings. 

I have also been slowly integrating the rasa's in to my public offerings with bliss-filled success. 

What I embody and share publicly are:
~ Vira: courage, confidence, potency
~ Sringara: Love, beauty, devotion
~ Abhuta: joy, wonder, mystery

The fourth is Shanti. 
The Tantric masters say that this is an embodied state of inner and outer peace and really the heART of rasa. 

By feeding the darker, shadow emotions (notice I didn't say denying, avoiding, repressing but feeding) with these bhava's or feeling states instead we can overcome fear with love, anger with potency, and sadness with joy. 

Shiva rocked my world by sharing these words:
"Be how you want to live."

When we are able to do that, we are Rasika's. 

Witnessing, experiencing, and embodying the potency of these ancient teachings have proven to me how powerful and important they are. 

It is for this reason that I am unleashing something I am so excited about!

EmpowerFlow: Rasa Revolution Retreat/Training

I feel called to share these deeper, sacred teachings and support each of you in finding more happiness, joy, wonder, excitement, and Love in your lives. 

This really is a revolution!

A new way of thinking, being, practicing, and feeling. 

I am going to combine these teachings with my studies in the Course of Miracles, with Shiva Rea, Georg Feurerstein, Wayne Dyer, and my personal practice. 

It is going to be an epic weekend.
I sooo hope You can join me!

This weekend is offered as a 4 day training for Yoga teachers (30 hrs CE's) and a 3 day retreat for woman practitioners who have been doing yoga for more than 2 years. 

These are deep, powerful and transformational sadhana's. 

Space is very limited. 
As of today, there are already only 10 spots remaining. 

You can find out more about and register for the
3 day retreat here.

You can find out more and register for the
4 day training here.

Exclusively for women and happening at Shanti Retreat, Wolfe Island ~ Nov. 2015 + Early Bird pricing is Now Available.  

Rasa IS what transcends separation and creates Wholeness. 

From my divine essence to yours, 

Megan Xx


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