Are You A Glass Half Empty Kinda Girl?

After last month's musings on creating a 'Jelly Belly Tribe' and really coming in to owning our power center as women (the womb), I want to remind you that in order to really rock that power we must first have a deep and strong connection to our 'roots'. 
(If you missed Jelly Bellies + Letting Go you can catch up here)
Our first chakra is our energetic root, the gateway to the feminine and most sacred, Mother Earth. 
The energy pouring down our legs and connecting us to her moist, rich nutrients ~ grounding, stability, security.
Like the roots of a tree that dig deep in to the Earth which have become shallow or unfed and therefore allow the tree to topple during a storm, we too can become disconnected to the Earth and as a result 'topple'. 
We might have a sense of feeling orphaned or motherless. 
Unstable, ungrounded, insecure. 
Unsupported, un-nurtured, even unearthed. 
A deep disconnect to the lower half of our bodies. 

The first chakra, muladhara means 'root support' and it sits at the very base of our torso, churning, a vortex of energy nestled at the bottom of our pelvic bowl. 
And just like a leaky cup can't hold water, we cannot hold stable, strong, instinctual or receptive if we are not connected to our root. 

You know those moments when your energy is so low you can't get anything done, the energy of the chakras work similarly. 
If the energy of muldhara is low, barely churning, we may begin to experience this as a need for security through the material, a compulsion to over eat, hoard money, or no amount of work/food/money/possessions/time/sex is satisfying enough. 
Your 'mantra' might be....'I am not good enough.'

We are living in a glass half empty mind set ~ scarcity and lack. 

A seed always needs to be planted in order for a plant to grow. 
The masculine energy begins the process of penetrating the soil and form the roots.  
The feminine energy is receptive and allows the plant to open to the nourishment of the nutrients from sun and earth.  

The seed we are planting for the first chakra is abundance. 

Ma Lakshmi is the Goddess of abundance, wealth, and beauty. 

By honouring Ma Lakshmi we can radically expand our vision and intentions of how abundantly we can live. 

She is the Goddess that brings you a deep sense of home, mothering, worthiness, wealth, happiness, and nourishes your connection to the continuous beauty that ever surrounds you provided Divinely by Mother Earth. 

Her realm is the reality beyond your limited beliefs, which are often rooted in our very penetrating beliefs of our 'cup being half empty'. 

So for the next month I encourage you to call upon Lakshmi each time you find your self living in fear, limiting beliefs, lack. 
Pull her in to your life, your heart, your Divinely created world, and like a mother hold you, protect you, and nourish you. 

Who provides for you?
Who is holding you?
Who feeds you, breathes you?
Who moves you?
While we are busy worrying, and chasing, resisting and pulling,
there is a river of evolution, a current of tremendous creativity,
pure life energy available to us.
There is an abundance here, in this very moment
in this very experience...
are you paying attention?

~ Cameli Ardagh

Invoke her gift of the seed of overall abundance by chanting her mantra 5, 7, 11, 27, or 108 times ~ Om Hreem Kleem Shreem Maha Lakshmi Namaha 
With a full heart, 

Megan Xx

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