Your Hidden Power!

Your {Hidden} Power...
The power of vulnerability!
A little more than a week ago I stood up in front of a room full of women to share a message. 
I have felt this message sitting heavy in my womb and the W3 event was the day I birthed it to the world.
My message was how I believe that Yoga is going to change the course of history for women and girls around the world... including YOU!
A BIG statement right! 
I know, and trust me, it didn't come easy. I didn't know that in order to birth my message I was going to have dive back in to some of the darkest moments of my life, but I was ready to do what I needed to do in order to move the message and it took some courage. 
It was important to me to go back in and discover any remnants of these dark moments. To use the opportunity to continue to process and to see how my Yoga is continuing to support me through this process.  
It can be so much easier to 'armor up' or 'buck up' and move past it and beyond, as often encouraged in our culture and for us a women. 
I spent three months working on this message that I wanted to deliver and, like with anything that is challenging, hard, or uncomfortable, there are moments when we want to turn away, avoid, or distract ourselves rather than feeling or facing them.  
I wrote a blog, 'Scared Bleep-less', and detailed how sacred I was to deliver this message, and how I kept catching myself scrolling Facebook instead of writing it, speaking it, or processing it in some way.
The fear was powerful!
The blog also explains why we do this, and it's so common that Yogi's thousands of years ago noted it in a famous Yoga scripture 'The Yoga Sutra's' and called them the klesha's! 
When I stepped on stage I felt like the message moved through me, and I cried not once... 
but twice! 
Wearing your heart on your sleeve and sharing moments that haven't been shared before isn't easy, but it is essential.
Vulnerability and authenticity go hand in hand, and both can be terrifying and VERY liberating!
One of the tragic ironies of modern life is that so many people feel isolated from each other by the very feelings they have in common: including a fear of failure and a sense of not being enough. 
But we become strong by embracing vulnerability and dare more greatly when we acknowledge our fears!
 "While being uncomfortable and vulnerable is not an easy path, it is the most direct route to becoming stronger and wiser." 
You have most likely done it before ~ birthed a baby or business, got on your Yoga mat for the first time, told someone you loved them, wrote a blog, told the truth even though it might have cost you, watched someone die, bought a plane ticket, took your yoga teacher training, or taught your first class.....
Vulnerability is our greatest strength!
Often shunned or tucked away hidden, as though it is a 'bad' or negative part of you, BUT it can actually be the gateway that can lead you to a true connection ~ to yourself, your message, your dharma, and your humanity!
So here's my question for you...
What will you do today, this week, or this month to embrace a fear and become a stronger and wiser Yogini?
You can transform your life by being who you really are. 
It is our authenticity and vulnerability that will ultimately lead to changing the future of women and girls around the world... including YOURS!
Embrace the courage to be vulnerable! 
Here are some Asanas to support you in overcoming fear and help you build courage.

Arm Balances ~ Crow pose, 'bird with a broken wing', Firefly, Wild Thing
Inversions ~ Headstand, Handstand, Forearm stand
Warriors ~ 1, 2, and 3
Backbends ~ Camel, Dancer's, or Wheel
Incorporate these poses in to your practice whenever you are facing a fear or wanting to tap in to your deepest strength~ your vulnerability!
Blessings on the path Xx

Find our how you can discover your hidden power with Megan's workshops/teacher trainings at


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