Your Feminine Heart!
Sending You Prema Beloved Yogini's,
So first and foremost I want to say this....
Please stop (I can feel you thinking it) worrying that this month's practice will be about touching yourself, or yoni.
So then what does Prema (love) have to do with this month's musing on A Secret of Self-Love: Your Vagina, Self-Love, and Yoga?
(If you missed this discussion you can find it here)
SO very much!
Here are a couple of things you might not know about your heart:
1) Cardiovascular disease is The #1 cause of death for Canadian women, yet for most, it is ranked as one of our lowest health concerns.
2) Woman have an extra meridian, or energy line, men don't. It runs from our uterus to our heart.
3) A woman's vagina is hard wired straight up to your pelvis, up through your heart and into her brain. When that connection is broken her entire life suffers, as does our energy.
So this month our practice will focus on everything I touched on in my last video, just in another, different way.
Although prevention of heart disease and treatment specifically for women is still relatively unknown and in research stages, this month's practice will support you in creating a strong and healthy heart by increasing cardiovascular endurance, stabilize blood pressure, and improving circulation and respiration.
Yoga is such a fabulous form of exercise too in this way because it can be cardiovascular but without compromising joints, organs, or our hormone system, like other forms.
And it is also so much more than just exercise!
The poses are prana-fying, or nourishing energetically, our 'hut', womb to heart line, supporting the communication between the two.
Moving intuitively and with grace, we can begin to connect these two power centers and use them to live with more Love + compassion.
Lastly, we regenerate and cultivate energy in the pelvis, as well as the cage for the heart (upper back, ribs, and chest), which support our connection to the yoni, sacred spot, and all the energy that is housed there.
Remember, its about moving the energy in and down as women, for us to realize deeper spiritual states and more all encompassing Love within and around us.
Know this too, on topic of both this month's musings, if you are looking to merge all these energies and teachings, studies are showing that safe + good sex (
or even just orgasm alone) lowers risk of heart disease and stroke!
We then end in a short but soothing meditation to slow down, be still, get calm, and reduce our stress.
Not only one of the leading factors to cardiovascular disease, and that keeps us from connecting with all aspects of self (instead we 'should', 'could', 'would' ourselves... to death sometimes), and replenish our energy in order to be able to give and receive from a place of Love.
The entire practice providing opportunities to embody all states of Love ~ for self, compassion, and Grace, the Love that moves through you.
It allows us to follow the inherent beat that permeates the whole through expansion + contraction, flexion + extension, squeezing + soaking, energizing + calming, which also happe to also contribute to heart health.
And if nothing else this month, I hope for you to reallly get this...
Love your body. Every part. The one you have right now.
Vow to treat your body, all aspects of it, with Love, compassion, kindness, and the care that you would extend to your Beloved or best friend.
Because if you don't Love her, no one else will or can, nor will you be able to truly offer it.
INjoy this Prema Vinyasa {FREE} Yogini Yoga sadhana to fully embody this month's Love.
In Love + Service
Megan Xx
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