Yes or NOvember?

YES or NOvember!
We all have had moments where we have to make some big decisions in life. A time when we have had to say yes or no, knowing that the decision we make might change our lives forever.

As women we have this fierce inner power, or force, known as our intuition. Sadly though it's one that we often ignore or haven't {yet} connected with, so her gifts are still unknown, a mystery. 

This is the power I was talking about in 'Master Your Mood, Harness Your Power', and she is an important inner guide who can support us when those moments arise when we need help making decisions that could impact our lives and the lives of those around us. 

If you think of the last time you had to make one these decisions what was the driving force for your answer?
Was it emotional? Was it a reaction? Was it expected?
Did you feel it or 'just know'?

Saying YES or NO, two simple, yet powerful words, can set us on our path in life OR they can hold us back.
When is the last time you answered from your 'hut' ~ gut and heart ~ when asked a question that would change the outcome of your day, week, or life?

Along this spiritual journey we, as women, have to learn the dance. This is the dance of vulnerability and boundaries. Sometimes a yes can make us feel like a victim or resentful. Other times the word no can make us feel empowered and centered. Or vise versa. 

The two apparent opposites ~ yes/no, boundaries/vulnerability~ are actually partners in the process of being able to embody our 'hut', or gut and heart, and live from this space.
Perhaps all these precious, although perhaps seemingly challenging moments, are gifts given to us by 'her' to see where we are living ~ mind, emotions, heart, or Spirit. 

Are there some questions left to answer in life presently?
Are you listening inwardly for the answers?
What decisions have you made that left you feeling empowered with a stronger sense of Self?

My final Fall Yogini Yoga 'Hut' practice will support you in connecting deeply to your 'hut' by focusing on the large intestine and lung lines of the energy body. One connecting us to and opening energy to the gut, the other to the heart. 

In the stillness and silent spaces of the practice use the time to connect deeply within to your fierce power, your inner force, the dormant Goddess ~ your intuition. 

With deep respect of all our inner and Divine Goddesses,

*P.S. If your 'hut' is screaming YES and you decide to listen, Early Bird for the Yogini Yoga: EmpowerFlow Nicaragua ME~Treat ends Nov. 30th at midnight. This will truly be a time for the sacred connection to our 'hut' and to each other. Join us!


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