Master Your Mood, Harness Your Power!
How are you feeling? Have things felt a little intense these past couple of weeks?
About a couple of weeks ago or so ago we had a full moon with a lunar eclipse, in many parts of the world we have entered the darker time of autumn, and we just finished our last mercury retrograde cycle for 2013.
I have noticed the lack of light lately, have you?
This time of year can have a tendency to bring the things we aren't dealing with or that challenge us to the surface, so understandable if things are getting intense or we are feeling a little overwhelmed again.
As the days are becoming shorter and nights longer, I have, in the past, experienced episodes of mild depression and lethargy. Some of things that happen when we resist the shift to dark and colder days.
But one of the ways I have begun to live a much more happy and harmonious life has been by deeply honoring the season and it's offerings, as well as live in rhythm with the cycles of my body.
Mother Earth acting like a compass guiding the way through the ebb and flow of change~ our only real constant in life.
This year I couldn't wait for fall and the opportunity to spend more time at home.I had worked hard all summer, using it's energy to manifest the space I knew I needed to live a healthier and happier Fall season this year.
I have been using this season to contract inward both physically and spiritually to connect back deeply to my root desires, needs, intentions, and spiritual connections.
Over the past couple of years I have focused on fine tuning a deep understanding and respect for Mother Earth and her seasons, the moon cycles of Father Sky, and paying close attention to my own personal 'moon' cycle in order to achieve much deeper levels of balance and peace within and around me.
I have used the rest and reflection time of Fall and Winter to ultimately leverage my moods and harness my inner power and creativity.
For example, now I know this sounds kinda silly to some, but when I honor my personal moon cycle and rest, practice Yin, and eat properly during the week I can literally flip myself in to a handstand with no wall or anything when my moon cycle is done. When I don't.... you guessed it, I can't.
Now this sounds like a physical 'achievement' but for me it has been a constant, yet simple, reminder of what works and want doesn't each month. Internally it helps to strengthen the uterus the week after, which is something we want to do. Mostly though, since it's a balancing pose, symbolically tells me that I am living in a balanced way!
P.S. It also helps you to master your mood too, since inversions help balance your endocrine system :)
And here's the thing... I am not the only one feeling the difference of honoring the season and body's cycles!
"During my last cycle I was very aware of my body - with a little help from my calendar - and I totally slowed things down, did a yin class one day, did your online yin class another day (almost fell asleep! and felt SO relaxed and refreshed afterwards!), and home practices with no down dog's or sun salutations (unheard of for me!).. the best part was that I didn't get the usual head-ache/cramping and I eased into my cycle, slowed down, and it was awesome, almost felt like a vacation! Unfortunately I ended up getting a really bad cold (can't even remember the last time I was sick!), but I embraced that as well, and knew my body was telling me to slow down for a little longer (Sept was exceptionally busy for me). Then afterwards, I did inversions, etc. THEN, I felt like superwoman for the next two weeks, it was SO amazing!! So THANK YOU for everything!" ~ Pam: student, mother, and Yogini
Just like Pam, I too sometimes experience a slight 'mood swing' here and there, but rather than beating up on myself, I use it as opportunity to gain insight to where I am out of balance and changes that I may have to make to get back on track to total balance ~ body, mind, and mood.
We cover these aspects, embody them, and put them in to daily practice in my Yogini Yoga seasonal classes.
And I have given some general guidelines as to how you can start to observe your monthly cycle and practice accordingly in my recent article for My Yoga Online.
Know too, that even if you are Yogini in the winter season of your life (menopause/post-menopause) you still ebb and flow with the energy of the universal Moon and can continue to harness your inner power each month!
Lastly, one of my teacher's, Shiva Rea, wrote a great article on 'Honoring Men's 'Moon Cycle's', so if you want to more deeply understand their rhythms too, than this is for you ;)
In harmony and respect,
Find out more about Megan and her upcoming Yogini Yoga classes and trainings at
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