Your Unseen Power
It's all in us."
~ Yogi Bhajan
Every time I open a yoga teacher training program, no exceptions, two things happen that help me to awaken to some aspects we, as women, need to collectively tend to. #1 ~ how to make decisions # 2 ~ how to trust ourselves I am so very compassionate to you, and these women, because I myself have been there. Here's an example of how your psyche works, so you reallllly get this. At 21 years old (16 years ago) I made an "impulsive" decision to get Lola. I was working part time, in school full time, a girlfriend, in a new city, and now a fur baby mom. Now here's the thing, it didn't feel like it was impulsive. It felt right. But, I was told by someone that it was impulsive. Just a simple conversation with someone close, and they didn't mean anything by it, but my pysche latched on to that comment and turned it in to a BIG deal. After a couple of months, and being completely overwhelmed, I began to believe they were right and convinced myself I was an impulsive person and that spiralled in to what felt right and good must be a mistake. That was the beginning of learning NOT to trust myself. Instead though, I just needed to be taught priorities, self-care, and proper time management. I was not doing the inner work at the time and spent five years believing the long and drawn out story this one comment in passing had turned in to. And in total transparency, I didn't even begin to unpack this belief about myself until just a couple years ago. And yes, in case you are doing the math, I did in fact carry it for about 12 years. I have had to really rely on my tools and practices to unlearn this and everything that was coupled with it. But here is one way I know that I am falling back in to old beliefs that no longer serve... I doubt myself. I second guess. Question it to death. Over analyse it. Think, think, think, think about it. And I always find it so interesting when we have doubts how we want others to make the decision for us. Making decisions can be tough, especially the big, heavy, or exciting stuff, but I have come to find that I already know the answer and deferring it is only because I want to be told different, persuaded otherwise, or convinced because of lingering fear. Heaven forbid we make a mistake! ;) And if we really unpack mistakes we usually find that they have led us to greater growth, courage, and Love. I know Lola did and if so, how could she really be a mistake then? Wanting others to help us, or make them for us, defers our power and disregards our inner guidance system. Today, we enter the Full Moon. This is when you are at your most powerful and the perfect time to strengthen your connection to your Inner Guidance and Higher Self. And even more potent because it's mercury retrograde, so when all other systems fail you know you at least have your Self! So take a moment tonight and lay down. Place one hand on your belly and a hand on your heart, take deep breaths and just ask you Self. Learning to trust your Self can be hard, especially if you have been told or taught not to or that you have often made "mistakes", but it you have innate Super Powers and inner best friends, and dare I say that they always know best. Get quiet. Still. Breathe deeply.
And ask "what would have me know?" or
"what would you have me do about (fill in the blank)?"
Then listen.Your ego speaks first and loudest usually, especially if you are new to this. So keep breathing and ask again if you need to. Wait. She often whispers. And you will know deep down in your beautiful bones when your Inner Guidance System is directing you. Now go and ask your question!
p.s. We might not always like what guidance we are given because it's challenging, upsetting, or having us do that one thing we are dreading, but the more you honour the guidance and follow through the easier it becomes. She will support you through the entire process. You just have to keep asking for it.
You can find out more about Megan and her Upcoming Retreats + Training's at
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