Removing Fear + Being Peace!
I am a highly sensitive person.
The past two days I have felt sad, down, heavy.
I know that the energy is due to what is transpiring in the world right now, not my own.
I believe we are recognizing this now more than ever.
What we do to one, hundreds, thousands, affects us all.
I felt called to share one of my favourite prayers and practices for releasing fear and invoking peace with you due to the recent events and energy that is circulating.
It is so powerful that I have it tattoo'd on my arm.
I live by this mantra and invite you to awaken to its transformative power too.
As we move forward this week I challenge you all, my Tribe, to stay peaceful, Loving, and kind and to be a reflection of that which you wish to attract, create, and feel.
Post positive messages, be the Light, and radiate Love.
Let us collectively heal the wounds and lift the heaviness.
In Peace + Love,
Megan XxP.S. You know I love to hear from you! Please feel free to press {Reply} and let me know what you thought of this musing or with any questions.
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