Body Culture + Our Inherent Beliefs

Namaste Spring Goddesses!
The yoga we have come to know and love is an evolutionary system that has stemmed from the Hatha yoga tradition. 

Hatha, a branch of Tantra yoga (way of the Goddess),is thought of as the beginning of the body culture in yoga, as the philosophy was that the body was actually a hinderance on the spiritual path; therefore, yoga asana's along with forceful breathing practices (pranayama's) were developed in order to purify one's self on all levels from the "toxic consequences" of daily life.

Unfortunately, those teachings began to translate to a very strong focus on asanas only as time went on, but postures were only meant as a small part of the Whole. 

Along with the patriarchal energy also becoming dominant around the time of Hatha's introduction, our sole focus has become cleansing, purifying, and bettering the body, but neglecting the other layers (sheaths or kosha's) of self in the meantime.

The goal of yoga is Yoga. 
As modern day women practitioners this means being awake, alive, and conscious of it all ~ body, mind, energy, feelings, experiences.

It means feeling everything ~ the good + the bad, the pain + the joy, the dark + light.

It means being the embodied light of awareness and all pervading Love.

This is something we have forgotten.

Our bodies are just a piece of the goal or path.

As women, we experience our direct spiritual connection through embodiment and our sacred junctures (yoni, womb, ovaries, and heart).

Our bodies are like the engine that keeps the vehicle running smoothly, which means if our bodies are healthy,in harmony, and running efficiently we most definitely will have the opportunity to more effectively yoke the self with our Self.

And let's face it, if we are not taking good care of our body temple then it becomes a lot more challenging to awaken to our deepest sense of true Self.

The change of season is upon us and this is the time of year where the traditional teachings of Hatha are at their most potent.

It is the most optimal time to detox and cleanse, not just our bodies but on every level.
Personally, I have taken the plunge and quit caffeine and alcohol.
I already limited my diet to vegan, as most of you know, but am loving getting back to a mostly fresh, raw diet in the past few days and limiting sugar and gluten.
I will spend the next 30 days purging, cleansing, and clearing out.

I also noticed instantly upon my return from Nicaragua a strong urge to clean.
I have cleaned twice weekly since being back along with purging and donating old clothes and shoes.
My closets, cupboards, and alter have been reorganized and cleansed.
It happens without thought just a strong urge, a pull.

I have also 'cleaned' my calendar.
Cancelled or deleting things that suck, surge, or drain my energy.

The best part of it all though is the light it has brought to other layers that are being purified along with it all. 

Rebel girl has been visiting my psyche.
Telling me to screw it all, it's no fun, and indulge.

Saboteur has visited too.
She says that it's not worth it, a waste of energy, and why bother.

Inner Critic is of course close by.
She seems to know I am going to screw it up because I have before, and seriously believes I am stupid for even trying.

I become aware not only of them having their say, but not way, but the patterns, habits, and beliefs that can keep me from realizing my higher Truth, being in service, and practice.

The never go away. 
We just get to know them better.

These are the "dark sisters" that live inside of each of us as one of my teachers offers.
We find them so difficult to look at and so they have their way with us.
Our cultural wounding of the concept of the body and feminine prevents us from having the soul-nourishing connection to all aspect of our self that we so require to continue to grow and evolve along this path.

But, without recognizing our shadows, we can can never be truly alive, awake, conscious, or free because we are only open to half our worldly experience.

This past weekend, celebrating Easter and a full moon/eclipse, signified the dance of darkness and light.
By going in and 'under' to the dark places:
* what needs to be cut out physically/ in life
* where am I feeling stuck
* what is holding me back/sucking my energy
* what patterns, habits, thoughts no longer serve my highest growth
* how can I purge and cleanse my body, mind, home more efficiently & honestly

We then can be resurrected, shine brighter, feel more awake and alive, INjoy our lives, and be present for our Self more powerfully each day.

This is a powerful time of rebirth Yogini. 
Use your embodiment practice over the next few weeks as a refuge to connect with the place within you that is all knowing and supports you in making choices and taking action from your Self, rather than seeker, fixer, or critic for example.

Use this time of purging, detoxing, and cleansing to polish our Spirit.

Big Shakti love to you!

Megan Xx

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