The HERstory of Valentine's Day
In my quest to continue to grow and evolve as a Yoga teacher I am not only observing what is happening within me, but also researching and watching what is going on around me as well.
Yoga teaches us that each individual is a microcosm of the macrocosm, so what is happening around us will affect what is happening within us, and vice versa.
Honoring this teaching is one of the reasons I believe I Kick Ass at teaching Yoga!
(if you missed last months newsletter on how you too can own what you Kick Ass at read it here)
Each year we circle the sun we experience a full spectrum of experiences and events that can often wreak havoc on our lives and nervous system.
I find it so fascinating to research on how each day, week, month, Moon, season, year, and events can affect us collectively, and then infuse that information in my life and in to my teachings.
Yoga can teach us how to observe these cycles, rhythms, and states, go deep into the heart of the matter and be able to step into our truth and perhaps even some inner peace.
This way of thinking, researching, and living has led me to greater health, happiness, and inner peace, and it can do the same for you too!
As this is the week of Love, with Valentine's Day coming up tomorrow, I thought I would share with you some of things I discovered upon researching the energy and meaning of this week and day with you all.
And with my focus being women, I am so excited as to what I uncovered!
The HERstory of Valentine's Day is that is was originally a Pagan holy day that celebrated the Goddess Juno Februtis.
Juno Februtis was a Roman Goddess of fertility and purification.
Juno Februtis is one of the aspects of the Goddess Juno ~ the Queen of Gods, the embodiment of femininity ~ like Parvati is the gentle aspect of Goddess Durga.
February was the month of purification to the Romans because in their early calendar it was the last month of the year, and so considered an appropriate time to get rid of the bad, stale, unclean, toxic, or stagnant in preparation for the new year.
February takes its name from the Latin februa, meaning "religious purification" so for us mystical Yogini's can mean "the month of purification", or "the cleansing month".
The largest festival held during this ancient time was the Lupercalia held on the 15th of the month and included rituals to purify and bring 'fertility' (abundance) to Rome.
For years the Christian church tried to suppress the festival of Lupercalia. Interestingly, the Church did not object to the festival for its fertility celebrations but because the pagan beliefs rejected a Christian god.
In 496 C.E., Pope Gelasius changed Lupercalia from the 15th to the 14th and renamed it after the legendary St. Valentine in an attempt to stop the pagan celebration.
Gelasius had hoped people would emulate the lives of saints.
So what does this mean for us now?
The way I have infused this knowledge in to my life and yoga practice this week (and the whole month, since this is February's meaning) is by focusing on purifying my heart and helping others do to the same in my offerings.
I will integrate a lot of twists, backbends, and shoulder opening in to my practice and classes this month.
(Coincidentally, winter is the month to focus on our kidney prana/chi, which is best done through practices that focus on backbends and twists!)
Your Full Moon cycle (menstruation) acts as a symbolic 'February' each month and our planetary Full Moon happens tomorrow making this month's practice even more potent if you do it then to align your energy with the energy of the Moon.
We can purify in order to step more easily and fully in to the height of our power and peak of peak of our clarity.
What are your heart's desires?
I also feel more deeply connected to celebrate this day with this new understanding of it's original meaning and the purificatory ritual of February.
Imagine the 'fertility' and creativity that can be had when the old is cleared out to make way for the new!
(Also coincidentally a great time since Spring is just around the corner and is symbolically our season on New Beginnings!)
Your {FREE} Yogini Yoga practice focuses on purifying, opening, and strengthening the container of the heart so that we may honor the energy of this week and day through a modern day ritual of Yoga sadhana. We celebrate together through this practice our ability to give, receive, love and be loved.
It is a short + sweet practice great for any cycle of the month and ends with a guided Metta (loving-kindess) meditation that can last for as long as you have time.
So much love + gratitude,
Find out more about Megan, her trainings and offerings, at
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